Coupons 101- What coupons to save?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Coupons 101- part 2
What coupons to save?
Now that I have talked about where to get your coupons ( click here to read) we are on our way to the next step.
  • What coupons do you save? I clip and save almost every coupon. The only time I don't save a coupon is if it's something I would never use even if it was free. So I keep 99% of my coupons. On Sunday when the coupon inserts come out, I spent about an hour clipping them out of 5 different papers. I put them in stacks of similar products. Like all the shampoo goes in one pile, all the cracker coupons in another. By clipping them out of the paper you are able to get rid of a lot of the bulk. Who wants to keep 50 papers around their house. From here you need to organize them, I keep all my coupons in a coupon binder ( I plan to do a post on this next week)
  • Why do I clip and save every coupon? I save every coupon because I never know what is going to come on sale. Or when I might find an item on clearance, and if I have all my coupons in a binder, with me. Then I am able to take advantage of both the coupon and the sale. Before I started my binder I can't tell you how many times I would buy something that I had a coupon for at home but I just forgot to bring it. Or I didn't plan to buy it that week, but when I got to the store it was one sale. So I missed a great way to save even more money.
  • Don't be to stuck on one brand- When you save all coupons, you are able to take advantage of some great sales. If you only save the coupons for the brands, you normally buy then you pay a lot more. For example: My family normally buys JIFF peanut butter, so if I see and coupon for JIFF I will hang on to it. But if I see a coupon for SKIPPY I might just toss it in the trash. Now if both peanut butters are $3.00 a jar I will always buy the one I like best. But if I find a sale later that month for SKIPPY for $1.75 and I have a .75 cents off coupon it would make the SKIPPY a $1 and the JIFF still is $3.00 and at that price I would be happy to buy SKIPPY. SO clip all brands and always bring your coupons along with you.
  • How many to save- I try to get at least 5 of each coupon but I am thrilled when I get more than that. Why do I save so many? Example: If Albertsons is having a sale on Chili, for 75 cents, and normal price is a $1, plus I have a coupon for .25 cents. That would make it half price .50 cents, a great deal....but I don't really want to go out of my way for one can of chili. But if I have saved 8 coupons, and I can get 8 cans at half price it will then be worth my time to buy it. Plus I then have a nice "food storage" of chili. When you buy items at a low price, and stock up the goal is to have enough so you won't have to buy it again till it comes on sale. This way you are ALWAYS able to buy your items half off or more.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so when you say you get 5 of each coupon, you're talking about 5 each week from the 5 different newspapers ... is that correct? I think I need to get more papers!

Anonymous said...

I get 5 papers, each paper will have 2 inserts, Red Plum and Smart Source. Once a month they have a P&G insert too. Don't stress yourself out...start out small. For a long time I just got 2 papers and that worked well. But now that I am REALLY into this I go ahead and get 5 I only pay for 2 of them, the others I get free. Our local Albertsons sells the Sunday paper all week long for $1 that is a cheap way to go. If you live close to an Albertsons.

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